Winks from the Universe

***Originally posted on

tennessee swallowtail - IG-1.jpg

Do you ever get the feeling that the universe is sending you little divine winks to confirm that you are heading in the right direction? I think that I often miss them, but I suspect that this is not indicative of their absence.

I don’t believe in an inherently right or wrong path as there are innumerable choices we can make in every minute of each day. But even within those countless shades of possibilities that endlessly color our moments, I do experience times when I feel like I’m truly resonating with something important – like I’m making contact with the part of my soul that is so much bigger than my day to day life. I feel like I’m following a course that will allow me to spread the wings I innately have that are uniquely my own. The moments come and go in a flash, but when they happen, they leave a beautiful imprint on my spirit.

When I’m in that place, I find myself noticing funny little happenstances that only I would recognize. It can be a friendly text coming in from a person dancing around my thoughts. Sometimes it’s a surprisingly well-timed song on the radio. And this evening, it was bumping into a friend and having him unexpectedly share with me that he enjoys reading my writing – a surprising confession and a beautiful compliment.

Please note that I’ll be the first person to tell you that this isn’t earth-shattering stuff. Nevertheless those little unexpected moments reinforce the significance of the positive thoughts and actions we enact. They remind us that although we may be surrounded by a boundless universe and are mere specks of matter in the grand cosmic equation, what we do matters and who we are matters. These winks confirm in the most personal of ways that no moment of our existence is inconsequential.

So this is my little wink back to the universe. A hat tip if you will. Thank you for encouraging me forward. Thank you for reminding me once more to release more of the fear and place more of my energy in trust.

Thank you also to my friend for his kind words. I appreciated them more than he could possibly know and needed to hear them more than I could have realized. Truly – thank you.

Big hugs to all. Jo

***Originally posted on

16 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. shoreacres
    Aug 23, 2018 @ 06:53:35

    I received a couple of those winks just this week. They’re great fun when they happen.


  2. overthehillontheyellowbrickroad
    Aug 23, 2018 @ 08:02:57

    Wow! What a wonderful post that tapped something very real in me. I have experienced winks from the universe too, in dreams and in waking life. When you have one of those experiences, you just KNOW it. You can’t describe it, but it’s definitely there.


    • Jo Price
      Aug 24, 2018 @ 09:58:08

      I know exactly what you mean. It doesn’t tend to be something loud or obvious to the world. It’s the little stuff that crosses your path quietly but speaks to your heart on a special level. The magical unexpected stuff. I have no doubt that you are surrounded by love and magic on your yellow brick road. 🙂


  3. José María López
    Aug 23, 2018 @ 09:12:21

    You gotta read Synchronicity by Carl Jung. I truly believe in these winks you talk about. It just takes some openness to listen and to believe in them.


  4. Kendra Lee
    Aug 23, 2018 @ 19:25:22

    I love that you called them “winks.” I’ve noticed that, when I’m willing to pay attention, I get all kinds of signs from the Universe that I’m on the right path–or more like I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing in that moment. Recently, I hauled my happy butt back to AA, not because I was considering drinking but because I felt like the universe was telling me to. Like, for real. At one of the meetings, there were women that had my mom’s name, my best friend’s name, and my sister’s name. Trust me, none of their names are overly-common. And I was all, “Okay, okay. I get it. I’m really supposed to be here. Sheesh.” But it felt good to know I’d been right–that that was where I needed to be.


    • Jo Price
      Aug 24, 2018 @ 10:03:15

      I have never been to any AA meetings, but I know that I would be in the company of soulmates if I went. I have heard so many people talk about the spiritual experiences that they have there – big and small. I’m fascinated with the way we receive validation from something that is unseen but that is also unquestionably beautiful. Even though I don’t believe in a true right or wrong (although some choices seem pretty explicitly bad news), I do feel like the universe lets us know when we are making a better, wiser, or kinder choice. It’s like it sends little hints to say – Yes! That! Definitely do more of that! 😉


  5. bone&silver
    Aug 24, 2018 @ 02:16:50

    I agree- those winks or experiences of synchronicity feel so validating don’t they? Confirms the Trust 🙏🏼😊


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